

The DVS is a school of Consciousness development, a space where

you can learn to activate your Being in it’s fullest form through

the teachings of the Mother Shaktiananda and the Mahavatar Babaji.

“The School Teachings, called SKY Teachings, have been projected from the Spheres of Light and Transformation to Shakti Ma (Erika Tucker), to be delivered to all beings in honest search”…


The Divine Values School is a pure, renewed and naturally adapted focus for these times of establishment of the new consciousness, of the cosmic codes of wisdom and of the Divine Values, those that respond to the unique purpose, and were delivered to humanity for the reaching of its individual and collective purpose of raising Consciousness and Realization in Unity.

It is an inner path of Light, based on the Teachings of Love and Realization of Being and designed so that the Human Being reaches the state of Cosmic Consciousness or Self-realization. It offers the Teaching of Realization for these times. It offers the synthesis of the Light and Ascension Codes given from the Spheres of the Immortal Masters in charge of guiding Humanity towards its unification with the Divine Consciousness and the harmonization with the Universe.

The School Teachings, called SKY Teachings, have been projected from the Spheres of Light and Transformation to Shakti Ma (Erika Tucker), to be delivered to all beings in real search from the place where the New Planetary Consciousness has settled..

The Divine Values School is the projection structure of the Primary Teachings of the Immortal Masters, and has the purpose of giving all beings the most powerful wisdom, techniques, and tools for the attainment of Self-Realization: the Level of Cosmic Consciousness projected for humanity.

There is no longer a human way of expressing the realities that are surrounding man. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to the Divine Aspects that so opportunely have been awakening within humanity itself to achieve the ultimate purpose of existence: Self-Realization.

It is an open space for the development of the Being, a definitive alternative of total development of the human evolution potential combining the Eternal Cosmic Wisdom with the Codes of Light of this time revealed through Shakti Ma and the Mahavatar