

Kriya Attitude



Superior Wisdom oriented towards Divine purpose.
It allows the SKY student to access codes of high spiritual ethics, and to establish the values ​​and actions that promote a transformation towards the superior states of consciousness.

The Initiation into SKY Teaching introduces the practitioner into a Higher Wisdom oriented towards Divine purpose. From there, the soul sets out to overcome the resistances of the lower self and to reach its Cosmic Nature. Now, if the Transmission of Kriya Knowledge is not carried out under a real conviction of Transformation of Consciousness, its effect will only be a mirage developed by the lower structures of the Being.

That is why it is important for the Student to establish the first steps of Transformation towards the highest states of Consciousness, cultivating certain actions and assuming the need to place the spiritual aspect in an important space of his life.

Kriya attitude is the development of attention and activation of Love circuits through the practice of Kriya Yoga techniques“.

The Immortal Masters and The Mother Shaktiananda resume for this time the millenary notion of the “Kriya Attitude”, which is the development of attention and activation of the circuits of Love through the practice of Kriya Yoga techniques, to utilice the present moment as the only space where it is possible to carry out conscious transformation actions.

SKY Teaching contemplates from the First Level a deep work in various aspects of the Kriya Attitude that will allow the student to have the necessary tools to enhance the benefits of working with Kriya practices, to transform his actions and to create a new reality more conscious and free.

The main topics that the student will access while working with the Kriya Attitude



Fair Action. There are actions that allow us to achieve the purpose of connection with Cosmic Consciousness and at the same time optimize the forms and dynamics on this plane while guiding them towards greater fulfillment and purpose.

Forgiveness as part of the tasks, Principles and even of the most important Laws within the Self Realization process.

The Healing of the Family Nucleus, as the foundation for the advancement of the Inner Path.

Sabiduría SKY